Voices From The Bakery

  • My name is Ryan Baguma, a refugee from Congo. My family consists of 12 people. Life was difficult for us before I joined ADAMÂ. There used to be days we would sleep without eating but since I joined ADAMÂ we have never gone to bed hungry! My family is so grateful to ADAMÂ for renovating my house. Now so many of my family members can live with me. This has brought us so much joy! Long live ADAMÂ.

  • The bakery project has brought so much joy to me. My family is happy and all the children in the neighborhood are able to receive free bread. I find peace at the bakery and I have learnt how to work better with with women and have more respect for them. I have been inspired and learnt how to work with others after my traumatic experience.

  • My name is Moses Bienfeit, from Congo. ADAMÂ came in at a time when I needed so much help. I don’t know where I would be without them. I received training in baking that made me a master baker in the beautiful ADAMÂ bakery here in Uganda. Not only do I earn a monthly salary but my house is also being renovated! I’m so grateful for the work ADAMÂ is doing! I feel blessed.

  • The bakery is a place I find peace and I can call home. I’m learning a lot of skills from the bakery. My income is boosted and I have been able to complete building my house. Since I’m the only boy in my family I hold more responsibilities and the allowance I receive helps my family as well. Recently I lost my beloved mother, the bakery members were there for me and I felt how much the bakery family cares about me. They are hurt when I’m hurt.

  • My name is Claudine Nyirabagande, a refugee from Rwanda. I remember the first time I heard about ADAMÂ, they were recruiting the most vulnerable refugee women in the Oruchinga Refugee Settlement. I’m so lucky that I got to be among the first women who were enrolled!

    I never thought we would come this far. I’m so proud to be part of ADAMÂ. We now have a beautiful bakery that has greatly changed my life. ADAMÂ constructed a new house for me after my house was fully washed away from the heavy rains! I didn’t have anywhere to sleep with my children and was forced to move into my mother’s tiny house. I now live happily with my children in our new house that was built by ADAMÂ. There are no words I can use to thank ADAMÂ for the amazing work! Oruchinga Refugee Settlement is proud to have ADAMÂ in our midst!

  • I’m able to take care of my children well and I can afford to buy them food from the monthly allowance and I buy the clothes and clear some medical bills. As a team leader of the bakers, I have gained more knowledge and skills in leadership especially communication skills since we have participants from many different nationalities.

  • My name is Ivon Ivuyekure from Congo and now a refugee in Oruchinga Refugee Settlement in Uganda. I’m married with two boys. I’m so grateful for ADAMÂ because of how amazingly ADAMÂ changed my life. Before ADAMÂ came to Oruchinga, my hope was lost because my husband didn’t earn nearly enough to support our family.

    Joining ADAMÂ was the beginning of my success and happiness! ADAMÂ repaired my house that had been destroyed by the heavy rains, roofed it and painted it, something I thought I could never do. I get a monthly salary and I gained a baking skill that I will use my entire life. ADAMÂ did not only rescue me from misery , it also restored hope for my family and the community where I live! Thank you Ayelet and the team that supports our work!!!

  • My name is Ivuyekure Ivon, 24 years old. I thank the organizers of the bakery program. I have learnt a lot because before I did not know that I can be what I am now. I had lost hope in life after my parents had died. I gave birth at a very young age and needed someone to support me. The bakery is raising my hope because I can now see that there is a better life for me.

  • My name is Aline Mashengesho, 18 years old from Congo. I’m grateful for being part of this program. My family and the entire comminunity is happy because there is joy in bread. My favourite activity while at the bakery is distribution. It gives me joy to see hungry children get fed and their smiles give me happiness and satisfaction.

  • My name is Mukashaka Janine from Congo. I’m so grateful because I’m part of the bakery project. Before the bakery started, I had many difficulties. Getting a daily meal was a problem and raising my children as a single mother has been hell. The bakery has greatly changed my life. I’m now able to afford meals for my family and pay school fees for my children on time because of the monthly allowance that I receive. I’m so humbled by the bread that our children in the community receive because their hope is raised. They have a strong belief that someone thinks about them despite the tragedies they have gone through. Long live ADAMÂ!

  • My name is Claudine, 34 years old from Congo. It is with love that you brought the bakery program to us. My life is not the same, I’m now able to support my family with bread. The hungry children can at least have a bun and wait for a meal that is served once in a day without feeling too much pain. This honestly brings me such joy and relief from the hurt I feel when our children cry because of hunger.

  • My name is Mukarukundo Janet, 26 years old, a refugee from Rwanda. I’m so happy to be part of the bakery. I have learnt how to bake. To be honest my life is not the same compared to how I was before I joined the bakery program. I can now send my son to school and pay school fees because of the monthly allowance that I receive. I get so much satisfaction when we distribute bread to the hungry children in the communities. I am a mother and i know how it feels to have a hungry child. Long live ADAMÂ because you are saving lives.

  • My name is Ayebare Marion, 27 years old, a Ugandan national. I’m happy to be part of the bakery project . The opportunity has helped me to send my child to a better school and I’m able to pay school fees on time. We also receive free bread and this has been such a blessing and many children receive free bread as well. I am happy that I’m part of the team that bakes bread and saves many peoples lives. I have learned a skill that I can use even many more years to come.

  • My name is Chantal, 24 years old from Rwanda. Being a refugee is one of the hardest things one can be. I thank Uganda for hosting us when we lost all that we had in our country of origin. I also thank the organizers of the bakery project because we had lost hope in life. Personally I did not have what to do in the community and now participating in the bakery makes me feel a sense of belonging once again since I have people there that I now call family. One of my favorite things to do at the bakery is distributing buns to the hungry children in the community. The joy the children get when they receive a bun is beyond imagination and it makes me feel so satisfied.

  • My name is Mukamana Clemantine, 23 years old. I cannot thank the organizers of the bakery enough. All i can say is thank you. By the time the bakery started I was pregnant and worried how my baby would survive after birth because I could not afford even a single meal. Right now the bakery has brought so much joy to my life. I gave birth to a healthy baby, I am healthy being a new mom and this is because of the great care I receive at the bakery. My baby is better off because I’m pychologically stable. I receive a monthly allowance and this contributes a lot to my life.

  • Clementine, I’m 31 years old from Rwanda. I didn’t know that one day I would be able to bake bread! Every day I am proud of myself and of the people who shared their skills of baking with me. I thank the lady from America Ayelet for thinking about building an oven for us. We have been wounded from the wars in our country and the bakery is our healing home. We can not thank you enough. We do not only bake bread for ourselves but for the entire community. We get to share the love through bread and buns.

  • My name is Nijembere Shadurack, 28 years old a refugee from Burundi. I’m so grateful that our dream as drummers came true. Our goal was to restore hope, install love and unity among other refugees in Oruchinga Refugee Settlement . The support we receive from ADAMÂ has helped our dream come true because we partcipate in bread distribution through drumming and this has a huge impact on our fellow refugees. The message we send through drumming calms their hearts and they feel relaxed. We are also able to bring together the different nationalities with love and it brings back great memories from back home. Life was hard before we had started working with ADAMÂ but now that we are supported and we are more visible in the community, people have started hiring us in functions. We are able to support vulnerable children with hair cutting from the salon that ADAMÂ built for us. We also receive free bread which has reduced hunger in our communities. We will continue to dance and educate other fellow refugees with your support.

  • My name is Chance, a refugee from Congo. When I left Congo I had lost hope in life because I lost everything that belonged to me. The Bakery project has restored my hope because the team is supportive and loves each other. Recently, when I got married, I felt loved by the ADAMÂ family because they made me a huge cake and helped out with the wedding! I have found a new loving family In Uganda. I’m proud to be part of the ADAMÂ Bakery.

  • My name is Angella Kushemererwa. I have been working as a humanitarian worker for the past years because of my passion for supporting the vulnerable refugee youth with skills development, I joined ADAMÂ with a dream to be part of the people that can improve refugee livelihoods within the camps. Little did I know that I would also learn how to be a baker while participating in the trainings as a coordinator. I found it amazing! I have now learned how to make beautiful cakes. I can even make wedding cakes! I feel joy being in ADAMÂ and seeing the refugees making bread and earning money which has improved the lives of the bakers and the children in Oruchinga. This is a dream come true. It’s a miracle project for me and the refugees.

Former ADAMÂ Bakers

  • My name is Sarafina. I’m 18 years old from Rwanda. Helping the needy has always been my dream from when I was young. Baking bread came as calling that I could not resist. It has fulfilled my dream and every time we distribute bread to the hungry children my heart gets filled with joy. I love this project because the skill of Baking will remain with me forever. As a young girl I feel empowered.

  • My name is Karimu Buhendwa, a refugee from Congo. I’m grateful to be part of ADAMÂ Bakery. I came alone to Uganda, I don’t know whether my parents are still living or not. I have no relatives nor siblings! My hope is raised because I have a family at ADAMÂ that I can count on, in times when I feel lonely. Thank you for the great vision and I will continue to use the skill of baking to bless others.

  • My name is Mwamini Theresa from Congo! I'm grateful for being part of the team baking bread for life. The bread has been life saving and to be honest, I have been saved by bread. I do not know where I would be if I was not part of the bakery. A lot can happen to us as refugees in a country that is not our home. I used to get involved in activities that are not appropriate so I could have food but the day I joined the bakery project I see myself changed and I pray that we will continue baking bread because it has been life changing for me and my fellow refugees.

  • My name is Bisina Emmanuel, 21 years old from Congo. The bakery came as a life saver to me. I do not know where I would be if I had not joined the bakery project. The bakery saved me from joining gangs in the community that engage in terrible things. The bakery is saving my life because since I joined I have never lacked what to eat. The allowance I get supports my family and we are able to supplement our meals at home. I’m happy because bread has changed peoples lives including my friends.