Sophie Nakayiza
Leadership Team / Uganda

My name is Sophie Nakayiza, Ugandan by nationality. I have over 6 years of working with Refugees. I am a counselor by profession. I studied counselling psychology and I specialized in trauma rehabilitation, I manage mental health and psychosocial services for the refugees in south western region, Uganda. Many of them hold wounds from their past tragedies and did not only lose everything they had but their entire families who died in cold blood from gun shots in their home countries. I am blessed to be part of their healing journey. Since they had lost hope in life, it is amazing hearing their stories of emotional recovery from the counseling sessions that I conduct with them. In my sessions I notice that many of them cannot afford daily meals in addition to the portions they receive from the World Food Program.

Currently I also manage and coordinate programs at the ADAMÂ Bakery in Oruchinga Refugee Settlement. It such a blessing to be part of the amazing group that trains the women and the youth with different skills such as baking and so far many children are fed with bread and buns. This has raised hope of many hungry children who have not been able to afford a daily meal. My dream is to reach out to many children with bread in different communities of Nakivale and Oruchinga Refugee Settlements.