The ADAMÂ Foundation is dedicated to baking bread and building community in refugee camps and other places of need around the world. 

We believe that the act of baking bread creates a new narrative of community, healing, and connection to the land.

The story of the ADAMÂ Foundation begins in the dream world. . .


Our founder, Ayelet Berman-Cohen, grew up in Israel, where war and conflict were a common part of life.  In her dreams, women, who she had long considered her “enemy”, baked their native bread, and shared it with her.  She decided to make an offering in return, and created the ADAMÂ Foundation.  The foundation built its first bakery in the Oruchinga settlement camp in Southern Uganda to help refugees who lost their land and their traditions to violence and war. 

The word אדמה  or adama means “land” or “soil” in Hebrew.

The ADAMÂ Foundation envisions a global community dedicated to restoring everyone’s right to make their own bread, to connect to the land, to rebuild their communities, and most of all, to feed their children. 

Children in Oruchinga, October 2021